
1st through 6th grades

There are many activities for the children at Bethel Baptist Church, including VBS, community activities, Easter egg hunts, Central Hills camp, and so much more. 

Creating Mrs. Janie's Cancer Care bags. 

Creating Mrs. Janie's Cancer Care bags. 


VBS games

VBS music

VBS music

Bethel's children's ministry is centered around God's love for us through the amazing bible stories in His word.  We use these bible stories to teach life lessons and to learn that God speaks to each of us differently. 

The older children who attend GA and RA classes focus more on God's word and missions. We strive to teach our children to serve as missionaries in our local community through God's word, volunteering, missions, and community projects. 


7th through 12th grades

Bethel offers many youth activities: fundraisers, t-shirt sales, youth camp, assisting in community programs, and much more.

Heading to camp!

Heading to camp!

Youth firewood fundraiser

Youth firewood fundraiser